GISToolkit Server Dependencies.

The following is a list of all the classes that the GISToolkit depends on in some form or another.  The only ones that are really required are xerces.jar, and JAI  The others are only needed if the toolkit needs to read or write information to their respective databases.


    Xerces is one of the Apache Sofrware Foundation projects to read and write XML files.  The GISToolkitServer uses it for reading and writing the initialization files used to set up the services.  Xerces can be downloaded from and is licensed under version 2.2 of the Apache Software License.   The Xerces Java 2 is the one that is used


    The Java Advanced Imaging Classes are distributed by SunMicrosystems.  It is a class library used for reading and writing image files.  It is used within the GISToolkit Editor for reading tiff files, and may replace the JimiProClasses in a future release.

Optional for reading from datasources.

    These are the JDBC interface classes for IBM's DB2 database.  These are required for reading and writing information from a DB2 database.  They are installed with the DB2 instance under the java sub directory of the sqllib root.  I do not have permission to redistribute these classes, however if you have a DB2 instance, then you already have them.


    The configuration files for the GISToolkitServer can be manually edited to use the ArcSDE data source, however the administration extender does not currently support the ArcSDE data source.  Let us know if you need this.


    These are the JDBC interface classes for the PostgreSQL database.  The JDBC objects for PostGIS are not used.  Instead the objects are parsed from the WKT representation returned from the database.  A WKB parsing would be preferable, but it was not available from the database at this writing.